24h Paint-A-Thon

I have been convinced that a sponsored run was too simple/boring/easy.

So I am currently planning a 24 hour paint-a-thon in which I will either work on one very large scale painting or several smaller paintings. It'll be a real challenge as painting is very tiring in itself so to go at it for 24 hours will be a real test!

Update!-- I have paid my first deposit for the Antarctica expedition in february 2013. It is real now!
This makes my final fundraising all the more urgent as I now have a definite place on the expedition, I just need that little bit more to ensure that I can make it!

Below are a few of my most recent paintings to show an example of the kind of work I will be creating in this 24 hour challenge!
I'll be blogging as we go, and hope to create another time lapse condensing the whole 24 hours into just a few minutes!

Expect more news next week, when I hope to have found 24 hours which I can dedicate to this challenge.

Thanks for reading!

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