This post will be based on something I have been saying during my talks to local school's I thought it'd be good to write it down somewhere in case I forgot it!

This image reminds me of a story we were told in Antarctica by an incredible man call Sai Prasad from India. Last year he was in an orphanage and was speaking to a 6 year old girl. He happened to ask her where her home was, and she replied 'the Milky Way is my home'. This took Sai a back and it took us a back when he told us, because to say the Milky Way is your home tells us so much! It implies such a sense of scale to this 6 year old girls world. But what is interesting is that in this case, of it being her home, it doesn't imply ownership in any way, it is as if the Milky Way contains her, protects her, but she could leave it if she wanted! If I were to go to the other side of the scale right now, and ask you where you home is, you would probably give an address and house name and that would show that to some degree you own that. But if you scale it up just a little bit, and you only told me what village/town or city you lived in, that doesn't imply ownership, because we can safely assume that you share it with many other people. Now if you go to the middle of the spectrum, and you were to tell me the Earth was your home, do you own it? We are outnumbered on this planet in the millions by Ants and Termites, they were here first too, so do they own it? We share this planet with so much life, and are outnumbered time and time again, so why do we feel we have such a right to it's resources. Just look at the amazon rainforest, hundreds of Acres are lost every day, because of human desire, because we WANT wood and perfume and oils. But the animals that are there NEED it for everything, their home, food, their life. Yet we take it for ourselves.